Europe de l’Est : que deviennent les revues de l’exil ?


19901991, in La Revue des revues no 10

Eastern Europe : What Evolution for Exile Journals ?

Part two of the study published in the previous issue of la Revue des revues (« The Journal Revival in Eastern Europe » and « A Panorama of Specialized Journals on Easter Europe », no 9), this series deals with exile journals published in Paris, London or other cities, and written in their mother tongue by exiles from Hungary, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Russia (Agora, Aneks, Kontinent, Kultura, Listy…), men who played a important dynamic role in the cultural life and in the transmission – often underground – of information in Eastern Europe. Each piece deals mostly with the future of these publications, asking whether they should fold, their task being completed, or continue, especially if new political developments arise.

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