Nouvelles revues de design en Europe

[dossier présenté par Blandine Bardonnet]

1994, in La Revue des revues no 18

New Design Journals

Showing the work of designers to the general public falls within the competence of decoration, architecture or fashion magazines, but speaking about design, discussing its theoretical and critical stakes, giving an account of its intellectual, social and economic aspects, all belong to the journal. Standing as evidence of the vitality of this publishing field, six young European design journals are analysed in these two articles, through the forms they have chosen and the aesthetic discourse they express. As an indicator of what design is today, this analysis shows that, beyond their differences and whatever their country of origin (Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands), these journals assert the autonomy of the subject, the designer’s legitimacy in contemporary society whilst offering a new message on the creation and impact of images against the backdrop of a disordered visual space.

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