Une revue-entreprise : la Revue des Deux Mondes pendant l’entre-deux-guerres

par Anne Karakatsoulis
1996, in La Revue des revues no 22

Revue des Deux Mondes : A post World War I – pre World War II journal-venture

A literary and political institution wich has fulfilled the requirements for permanence and official recognition, the Revue des Deux Mondes cannot be analysed according to the economic criteria one would apply to others periodicals. In this quasi-single-family based entity – the descendants of the founding Buloz family continue to be the majority sharesholders – the steering committee and the editorial staff have little contact : the former stands watch over tradition, the latter over the publication. Under René Doumic’s direction during World War I, the journal went through a period of unequalled prosperity redistributing considerable amounts of money in dividends to its shareholders.
The demand for economic profits led Doumic to wage an offensive editorial strategy. Any and all promotional means were used to reach out to wider audiences : ever better adversiting campaigns, specialized promotional stunts and weekly radio broadcasts. The journal’s large international readership required promotional efforts to be made abroad as well by paid agents supported by the powerful Hachette Messageries. Moreover, the journal was made available aboard Ocean-going liners. It was not until 1921 that the journal launched its biggest publicity stunt, the annual dinner, wich rapidly became a ritual of Parisian life. One complete team was responsible for drawing up the guest list – 300 people, all men – and arranging the seating at the tables wich brought the entire politico-literary establishment together in one place. Speeches were given according to a strict protocol.
The promotional stunts came to a height with brought the journal’s centenial anniversary in 1929 a commemorative medal, a special centenial edition, an exhibition and series of conferences, theatrical performances and concerts were society’s and the commercial world’s way of crowning the journal. The following year 2400 additonal subscriptions were placed.

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